FCC Issues Public Call to Review Broadband Data by Jan. 13

The Federal Communications Commission has updated its national broadband service map with a detailed list of internet providers available at both household and business locations. The Oklahoma Broadband Office strongly encourages the public to review the map for accuracy and submit challenges to the data if needed by Jan. 13, 2023. Challenge information collected through Jan. 13 […]
Not Just Any Oil Spill. The Keystone Pipeline Dumped Notoriously Hard-to-Clean ‘Dilbit’ in Kansas

Washington County, KS- Each day that passes, the hundreds of thousands of gallons of sludgy oil coating Mill Creek in north-central Kansas become harder to clean up. That’s because the pipeline that busted just outside the town of Washington on Dec. 7 doesn’t carry conventional crude oil. It carries a product of the Canadian tar sands called […]
Proper Storage of Pecans-Other Nuts Important to Maintain Quality

By Maddy Rohr, K-State Research and Extension news service Manhattan, KS — Pecans and other nuts are popular gifts during the holidays, but proper storage is essential to extend shelf life and quality, said Kansas State University horticulture expert Ward Upham. “Excessive water loss can lead to shriveled nutmeats, and the fats and oils in […]
Fort Riley to Host Wreaths Across America Ceremony Again This Year

Fort Riley, KS- Fort Riley, in conjunction with the Fourth District, State of Kansas, Veterans of Foreign Wars and VFW Auxiliary, will host a Wreaths Across America ceremony at the Fort Riley post cemetery, 193 Huebner Rd, Dec. 17 at 11 a.m. Brig. Gen. Niave Knell, 1st Infantry Division Deputy Commanding General – Riley, will […]
Kansas Insurance Department Employee Receives National Service Award

Topeka, KS – Glenda Haverkamp, a 45-year employee of the Kansas Insurance Department, yesterday, received the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Robert Dineen Award for Outstanding Service and Contribution to the State Regulation of Insurance. “There is no one person in the state of Kansas who has made a larger impact on the regulation of […]
K9 Axel Retires

December 13, 2022 Released by Public Information Officer Aaron Wintermote Manhattan, KS– Riley County Police Department (RCPD) K9 Axel retires today with over seven years of service to RCPD and Riley County. Axel, a 10-year-old Belgian Malinois, began his service at RCPD in March 2015 working alongside former RCPD Officer Andrew Toolin. In May […]
State Weather Official Urges Kansans to Prepare for Winter Conditions, Travel

By Pat Melgares, K-State Research and Extension news service Manhattan, KS. – The calendar says the first day of winter is Dec. 21. Chip Redmond is not so sure you ought to get locked in on just that date. “Winter conditions in Kansas can change rapidly,” said Redmond, a meteorologist and manager of […]
Keystone Pipeline Leak into Mill Creek

Washington County, KS- TC Energy Corp. has shut down the Keystone Pipeline as they respond to an oil spill that is flowing into Mill Creek, and residents in Washington state there is a strong smell throughout the city. BNN Bloomberg reported that the Calgary-based company said the shutdown happened at 8 p.m. on Wednesday […]
KBI Director Kirk Thompson Announces Retirement

Topeka, KS – Kirk Thompson, Director of the Kansas Bureau of Investigation (KBI), the premier statewide criminal investigative agency, has announced his upcoming retirement, effective January 10, 2023. Kirk Thompson has served as KBI Director for over 11 years. His distinguished law enforcement service spanned more than 46 years. Thompson first entered law […]
Hometown Legend John Hadl Passes Away at 82

Lawerence, KS- John Hadl, a homegrown football legend at the University of Kansas who went on to become a professional football star, passed away Wednesday morning. He was 82-years-old. Hadl made a name for himself at Lawrence High School as an all-state halfback for the football team and as a centerfielder for the baseball team. […]