Manhattan, KS- In recognition of Medicare’s importance in the lives of older Kansans and to help those needing to enroll in Medicare, the North Central-Flint Hills Area Agency on Aging (NC-FH AAA) is announcing more Answers for Older Kansans Medicare Basics seminars in the months of May and June.
Karen Mayse, a certified Medicare Benefits counselor with more than ten years of experience in explaining Medicare to Kansans, will present six Zoom seminars between May 18 and June 16.
Medicare is health insurance for people who are age 65 or better and also for people who qualify because of disabilities. The Zoom Medicare Basics seminar series provides an easy-to-understand overview of Medicare in two parts and includes steps to enrollment and how Medicare works with employers’ insurance. It also provides answers about Extra Help and other Medicare Savings Programs and participants’ questions. Information specific to the Medicare Basics seminars will be available to each participant who registers.
To register, people may go to or call 800-432-2703 the day before the event. The link to the Zoom event will be sent to each participant prior to the seminar.
“Medicare is very complex–people are strongly encouraged to register for both Part 1 and Part 2 sessions—these sessions will provide the ‘total Medicare picture,’ “Julie Govert Walter, Executive Director of the NC-FH AAA said.
“Our goal with this Answers for Older Kansans series is to give older Kansans, people living with disabilities, their caregivers and family members practical, trustworthy and easy-to-understand information about Medicare in a safe, friendly small group setting,” she said.
Dates of Medicare Basics Seminars are:
Wednesday, May 18th at 5:30 pm, Medicare Basics Part 1 Covers Medicare’s alphabet, steps to enrollment, Medicare and employers’ insurance and more.
Thursday, May 19th at 5:30 pm, Medicare Basics Part 2 Covers gaps in Medicare, Medicare Savings Plans, Extra Help and more.
Wednesday, June 1st at 5:30 pm, Medicare Basics Part 1 (See above Part 1 Description)
Thursday, June 2nd at 5:30 pm, Medicare Basics Part 2 (See above Part 2 Description)
Wednesday, June 15th at 5:30 pm, Medicare Basics Part 1 (See above Part 1 Description)
Thursday, June 16th at 5:30 pm, Medicare Basics Part 2 (See above Part 2 Description)
Medicare Basics presentations are available at no cost; voluntary contributions to support and expand Medicare counseling services provided by the NC-FH AAA are appreciated and welcomed.
Detailed instructions about how to participate in Zoom technology are available at
For more information about Medicare Basics, to reserve your place or to connect to available services, call the North Central-Flint Hills Area Agency on Aging (NC-FH AAA) at 800-432-2703 or go to
The North Central-Flint Hills Agency on Aging, Inc. is a private, non-profit organization that plans, coordinates and provides services in 18 north central Kansas counties to enhance the quality and dignity of life for older Kansans, people living with disabilities and their families. Area Agency on Aging programs and services are partially funded by the Older Americans Act through the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services and voluntary participant contributions. The Area Agency on Aging works in partnership with local and county governments and senior citizens’ groups. All services are available without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.