Department of Commerce Announces Building a Stronger Economy (BASE) 2.0 Grant Application

Topeka, KS– The Kansas Department of Commerce today announced $50 million will fund a second round of projects under the Building a Stronger Economy (BASE) grant program. BASE 2.0 will continue addressing infrastructure and economic development needs that were delayed or slowed due to COVID-19 in an effort to expand the state’s base of businesses […]

The Keystone Pipeline is Back in Business While the Kansas Oil Spill Cleanup Continues

Washington, KS- Crude oil began flowing through the Keystone pipeline from Nebraska through Kansas to Oklahoma again this week. For now, the U.S. Department of Transportation requires the pipeline segment to operate at a lower pressure than when it burst. The pressure must stay 20% lower than when the Keystone’s biggest-ever spill happened on Dec. […]

Sen. Moran Named Co-Chair of Senate Army Caucus

Washington, D.C.– U.S. Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) – senior member of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense and member of the United States Military Academy (USMA) Board of Visitors – today was named the new Co-Chair of the Senate Army Caucus by fellow Co-Chair U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-R.I.) – chairman of the Senate Committee […]

Low-Income Energy Assistance Program to Continue Heating Homes this Winter

Topeka, KS- Colder temperatures and winter weather has arrived in Kansas. The dropping temperatures and necessity of raising the thermostat are leaving some families vulnerable when it comes to covering their heating bills. The Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP), implemented in the state by the Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF), allows peace of […]

After Year One…

Salina, KS- “It’s hard to believe that we are already coming up on the one-year anniversary of affiliating with Salina Regional Health System (SRHC),” said Memorial Health System CEO, Harold Courtois. “I am proud of our employees; they have worked hard to make this a smooth transition. SRHC has a great affiliation model, and we […]

Governor Kelly Announces Kansas State Fire Marshal Doug Jorgensen to Retire

Topeka, KS– Today, Governor Laura Kelly announced that Kansas State Fire Marshal Doug Jorgensen will retire from the position in January 2023 after serving in the role for 11 years. Jorgensen will temporarily stay with the agency as Deputy Fire Marshal to help the new State Fire Marshal transition into the role. “I thank Doug […]