Farm Bill Should Prioritize Agricultural Research, New Policy Report Says

Washington, D.C. – The U.S. should increase support for agricultural research and development (R&D) in the next Farm Bill to ensure that farmers can keep feeding the world in spite of challenges from climate change and other shocks, according to a report produced jointly by Farm Journal Foundation and the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. Hotter […]

TNR Program Back to Work in Clay Center

Clay Center, KS- One of the long term goals Clay County Animal Rescue and Education Center has is to be able to help the community better control the stray and feral cat colonies in the community. A town hall was held Monday night at the Clay County Museum where Ron Fancella, Jeanna Fancella, George Murchison, […]

Researchers Taking Team Approach to Kansas’ Water Challenges

By Pat Melgares, K-State Research and Extension news service   Manhattan, KS – The director of a Kansas State University program that works to address the state’s water challenges credits a team-first philosophy for progress being made to improve water quality and conserve available resources.   Susan Metzger, the associate director for K-State Research and […]

Wheat Grazing Draws to a Close With First Hollow Stem on the Horizon

By Gail Ellis Stillwater, OK– The first hollow stem stage of grazed wheat, a lead indicator of when to remove cattle from wheat pasture to preserve yield potential, could arrive within the next two to three weeks for some varieties. Amanda De Oliveira Silva, Oklahoma State University Extension specialist for small grains, said her wheat […]

K-State Grazing Specialist to Speak on Environmental Concerns in Beef Industry

By Pat Melgares, K-State Research and Extension news   Manhattan, KS – Beef cattle is big business in Kansas.   The state holds the United States’ third largest number of cattle on ranches and feedyards – 6.5 million head, behind only Texas and Nebraska – and generates nearly $9 billion in cash receipts annually. In […]

Clay County Emergency Sirens

Clay Center, KS- The Clay Center emergency sirens have been going off recently and has left residents scratching their heads wondering what was going on. According to the Clay County Sheriff’s Department, the reason the sirens going off is from a malfunction. As of now, their tech has been looking into updating the system and […]

Cattle Chat: Giving Calves a Healthy Start

By Lisa Moser, K-State Research and Extension news service   Manhattan, KS— Good nutrition is important to overall health, and it begins at birth. said the experts at the Kansas State University Beef Cattle Institute on a recent Cattle Chat podcast where they discussed the importance of the calves nursing within the first 24 hours […]

Kansas KidWind Challenge Kicks Off This Week with a Record Number of Teams

Topeka, KS– Just as the amount of wind energy being produced in the state is growing, so are the number of students participating in the Kansas KidWind Challenge. The annual event has grown from one regional challenge in 2016 to six regional events in 2022. This year’s competition promises to be bigger than ever with […]