Public Meetings Seek Input on KS Water Priorities & Investments

Water Local Consult Media Release
White-Tailed Deer Biology & Management Program – Feb. 28, Hays

Deer hunters and wildlife enthusiast come join us for the White-Tailed Deer Biology Management Program on Wednesday, February 28 at 6:30 p.m. at the Agricultural Research Center – Hays auditorium, 1232 240th Avenue. Drew Ricketts, an Associate Professor and Extension Wildlife Specialist with K-State Research & Extension will give about a ninety-minute program on white-tailed […]
Gardening for butterflies

K-State horticulture instructor shares tips to attract butterflies to the garden By Maddy Rohr, K-State Research and Extension news service MANHATTAN, Kan. — Attracting butterflies to the garden through plant selection has grown in popularity, said Kansas State University horticulture instructor Cynthia Domenghini. Knowing what species of plants butterflies prefer can help gardeners […]
OSU researchers help sustain long-time gigging tradition

By Alisa Boswell-Gore STILLWATER, Okla. – Thanks to Oklahoma State University researchers, a long-standing annual Oklahoma tradition will live on this weekend. On Friday, northeast Oklahoma residents will head to Lake Eucha for the Green County Giggers Association’s annual fish gigging tournament. Instead of catching fish with a hook and fishing line, fish gigging involves fishermen catching […]
When a Kansas County Wants People to Plant Milkweed but a City Makes Them Rip it Out
KCUR | By Celia Llopis-Jepsen Published April 11, 2023 at 4:00 AM CDT Across the Midwest, some city codes threaten people with fines for having milkweed on their property. But experts say many places have dropped those rules to support monarchs with urban and suburban butterfly gardens. Oliver Hernandez’s front yard hums with plenty of bugs for […]
Governor issues declaration of disaster emergency due to threat of wildland fires

Governor Laura Kelly issued a verbal declaration of disaster emergency this morning, March 31, due to the potential for wildland fires and severe storms in the state. The declaration will allow the state to preposition assets for a quicker response to any fires that may begin. Much of the state is in a Red Flag […]
Lions in Kansas? It’s possible, but rare, says K-State wildlife expert

By Pat Melgares, K-State Research and Extension news service MANHATTAN, Kan. – In Kansas, the chances of seeing a lion in the wild have greatly increased over the past decade and a half, according to Kansas State University wildlife specialist Drew Ricketts. In fact, in 2020 there were 15 confirmed sightings of a mountain lion […]
Kansas, Missouri groups unite to offer replacements for invasive tree

Callery pear buy-back program planned for Kansas City, Topeka K-State Research and Extension news service MANHATTAN, Kan. – For a brief period, the Callery pear tree puts on a show of deception in urban and rural landscapes. Typically in early April, the tree flaunts a bastion of white flowers that can be quite stunning. But […]
Kansas Forest Service to lead fire mitigation project near Scott City

K-State Research and Extension news service MANHATTAN, Kan. – Kansas Forest Service officials have announced that an annual project that aids in training new wildland firefighters and helps reduce the risk of wildland fires will be held April 3-7 in Scott City. The Hazard Fuels Mitigation project will take place at the Scott Wildlife Area […]
Some Planning and Development Fees Set to Increase in Riley County

(Riley County, KS – March 20, 2023) Starting this month, some fees associated with environmental health permits, land use permits, and licensing processes will increase to help offset county costs. However, Riley County will continue to cover the bulk of the costs for all Planning & Development and Environmental Health Services. “The applicant will still […]