Mann, Smith, Latta Introduce Legislation Protecting Family-Owned Farms, Ranches, Businesses
“We continue to see damaging policies in the Biden Administration’s tax plan, including an effort threatening with the stepped-up basis,” said Rep. Mann. “Removing this provision would hurt generational Kansas farmers and ranchers and weaken their ability to keep assets in the family. The day-to-day trials of operating a successful farm, ranch, or small business are challenging enough without worrying about paying devastatingly large capital gains taxes. We must preserve the stepped-up basis and protect agriculturists now and in the future.”
Garden Growing Pains
“K-State horticulture expert says many crops can adapt to grow vertically”
Video: The Potential of Cover Crops to Provide Nitrogen in Farm Fields
“The current study – which is being conducted at the Ashland Bottoms research plots south of Manhattan – may provide greater understanding “of how we can maximize the efficient use of fertilizer (such as nitrogen or phosphorus) and how we can adjust the management decisions when we have cover crops in the rotation,” Tomlinson said.”
Research at Kansas State University Discovers Destressing Benefit from Feeding Cattle Industrial Hemp
“Our new research helps us better understand how cannabinoids present in industrial hemp interact with bovine physiology and pharmacology,” Kleinhenz said. “For instance, we now know that repeated daily doses of CBDA via feeding hemp does not result in accumulation of cannabinoids in the blood. Additionally, it solidified previous research and shows that each cannabinoid has its own absorption and elimination profile.”
As Fertilizer Pollutes Tap Water in Small Towns, Rural Kansans Pay the Price
“For towns with only a few hundred residents, keeping tap water clean and safe can pose a crippling expense. The predicament is likely to become more common in western Kansas as farm chemicals seep into dwindling water supplies.”
K-State Garden Hour preps for spring series
“Free, online program aims to scratch gardener’s spring-time itch”
Container Gardens, Raised Beds Offer Convenient Options to Gardeners
“K-State horticulturist shares tips for success in smaller spaces”
K-State Crop Entomologist: Be on the Lookout for Alfalfa Weevil
“Whitworth suggests that farmers start scouting their fields now”
K-State Animal Science Students Place Second in Academic Quadrathlon
“In the local competition Feb. 21-24, 20 teams and 80 students participated in four events: laboratory practicum, written exam, oral presentation and quiz bowl. “
Lawn Feeling Crabby? Timing is Important for most Crabgrass Preventers
“K-State horticulture expert outlines best choices for fighting stubborn lawn weed”