Hearing for Proposed Revision of Dairy Laboratory Regulation

“KDA is proposing revisions to K.A.R. 4-7-804, which establishes the fee schedule for dairy laboratory analyses. The current fee schedule no longer covers the costs associated with each laboratory analysis; in addition, the proposed regulation offers new laboratory analyses that the KDA Laboratory did not have the capacity to complete when the current regulation was adopted.”

Rep. Mann Delivers State of Agriculture on the House Floor

“Madam Speaker, I rise today to deliver the next installment of my Farm Bill Impact Series – The State of Agriculture. We’re at the end of the first quarter, National Ag Month just ended, and as Congress prepares to reauthorize the Farm Bill, we should examine the state of agriculture.”

Hearing for Proposed Adoption of Animal Health Regulation

“Calfhood vaccination tags provide a voluntary method for cattle producers to indicate that a heifer has been vaccinated for brucellosis by an accredited veterinarian. KDA is proposing adoption of K.A.R. 9-2-36, which will allow the Animal Health Commissioner to recoup costs for vaccination tags including processing, shipping and handling expenses.”