4-H Discovery Days Registration Deadline is May 1
“Annual college and career readiness event set for June 1-3”
Video: Dry Weather Provides Chance to Clean, Compact Farm Ponds
“Many of our ponds need periodic cleaning out of the old sediment that might get brought down by livestock or natural processes,” she said.”
KDWP To Soon Offer Durable License Cards
“Purchasers can select between a crappie and a pheasant, or purchase both designs. Purchasers must simply have a current fishing or hunting license on file.”
Video: K-State Researchers Factor Weather Forecasts in Planning Corn Seeding Rates
“That is a very good indicator that farmers should reduce their seeding rate, probably about 5,000 seeds per acre,” said Josefina Lacasa, a doctoral student in K-State’s Department of Agronomy. “
Bluestem Electric Cooperative, Inc. Increases Financial Security for Members and Harvests Clean Energy with Two Completed Solar Farms.
“Bluestem Electric Cooperative’s solar farms provide greater control over monitoring, load-balancing, and rate stabilization for its members.”
K-State Researchers Test Field Peas in Crop Rotations
“Studies indicate peas contribute nitrogen to soil”
Walleye Harvest Regulations Adjusted at Marion Reservoir as Part of 4-Year Study
“During the Grow Phase, which took place January 2020 thru December 2021, walleye were managed with a 21-inch minimum length limit and a 5 per day creel limit. This was done to increase densities of walleye in Marion Reservoir longer than 18 inches.”
Ethanol Discounts Available at Kansas Corn Earth Day Promotions
“The Earth Day “Fuel Clean Air Pitstop” fuel discounts are offered through Kansas Corn’s Fueled by Kansas campaign, and participating stations can be found at fueledbykansas.com.”
KFB Foundation for Agriculture awards $23,500 in scholarships to 39 students
“We’re investing in students today to ensure they become tomorrow’s leaders,” says Kansas Farm Bureau President and Foundation Chair Rich Felts.”
Don’t Let Severe Weather Uproot Your Financial Well-Being
“As Kansas enters severe weather season, the Kansas Insurance Department encourages Kansans to evaluate their property insurance needs by reviewing any changes in their life over the past year and looking for potential insurance gaps.”