Cattle Chat: Monitoring for Summer Pneumonia in Calves

“Signs of pneumonia in calves include rapid breathing, laying down and being reluctant to rise, and having a high temperature,” said veterinarian Bob Larson. “These calves may also stray behind the rest of the herd due to difficulty breathing.” 

Federal Appeals Court Orders Dismissal of Lawsuit Challenging Oklahoma Environmental Clean-Up Program

“From the beginning, this lawsuit was a political exercise with little basis in law,” said Attorney General John O’Connor. “The district court found no real problem, and now the D.C. Circuit has held that the case should have never been allowed in the first place. Oklahoma is grateful for that decision. Court battles like this can take years, unfortunately, but defending Oklahoma’s interests is always worth it.”

Video: How to Control Flies on Livestock

K-State Research and Extension news service    Manhattan, KS- In this video, K-State Research and Extension veterinary entomologist Cassandra Olds outlines the best ways to control flies in livestock herds, a problem that she says “plagues most producers most years.”   While most people associate flies as one breed, there are actually four types that […]

Keep an Eye Out for Algae Overgrowth in Ponds This Summer

By Alisa Boswell-Gore   Stillwater, OK – Most Oklahoma ponds are green thanks to algae that forms on the water, but just like anything else, too much algae can be a bad thing.   Algae is a normal occurrence in ponds unless it becomes too thick. That’s when pond owners are in danger of the […]