Topeka, KS– The Kansas Department of Commerce today announced $50 million will fund a second round of projects under the Building a Stronger Economy (BASE) grant program. BASE 2.0 will continue addressing infrastructure and economic development needs that were delayed or slowed due to COVID-19 in an effort to expand the state’s base of businesses and residents.

The additional funds were designated by the Strengthening People and Revitalizing Kansas (SPARK) Executive Committee and approved by the State Finance Council in December.

Previous applicants that were not funded in round one will be considered for BASE 2.0 and do not need to reapply unless they would like to submit a new application. Awardees from the first round are not eligible for a BASE 2.0 award.

The Commerce Department received more than 440 applicants requesting more than $1 billion in identified projects during BASE 1.0 for the available $100 million funding. This new round will follow the same regulations established for the first round, including the requirement that awardees provide a 25% match.

County and local governments, economic development organizations, local chambers of commerce, and other stakeholders are eligible to apply. Awardees will have two years to complete their projects and utilize all awarded and required matching funds. Applications submitted are required to document how the project was delayed or affected negatively due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting downturn in economic conditions.

The BASE 2.0 grant application process opens at 2:00 p.m. today. The deadline for submissions will be 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, January 31.

An informational webinar on BASE 2.0 will be available to the public at 10:00 a.m. Friday, January 6. Registration for the webinar and guidelines for the grant application can be found at

Applicants can contact for any questions regarding this funding opportunity.


About the Kansas Department of Commerce:

As the state’s lead economic development agency, the Kansas Department of Commerce strives to empower individuals, businesses and communities to achieve prosperity in Kansas. Commerce accomplishes its mission by developing relationships with corporations, site location consultants and stakeholders in Kansas, the nation and world. Our strong partnerships allow us to help create an environment for existing Kansas businesses to grow and foster an innovative, competitive landscape for new businesses. Through Commerce’s project successes, Kansas in 2021 was awarded Site Selection Magazine’s Governor’s Cup award, Area Development Magazine’s Gold Shovel award for two years in a row and was named Site Selection Magazine’s Best Business Climate in the West North Central region of the United States. Find the Department’s strategic plan for economic growth here: Kansas Framework for Growth.