Register for the 2024 Kansas Ag Growth Summit

Join the Kansas Department of Agriculture in Manhattan this month as they discuss growth opportunities for agriculture at the ninth annual Kansas Governor’s Summit on Agricultural Growth on Wednesday, August 21, at the K-State Alumni Center at 1720 Anderson Ave. in Manhattan. Attendees are also invited to participate in a social event on Tuesday evening, […]
Public Meetings Seek Input on KS Water Priorities & Investments

Water Local Consult Media Release
White-Tailed Deer Biology & Management Program – Feb. 28, Hays

Deer hunters and wildlife enthusiast come join us for the White-Tailed Deer Biology Management Program on Wednesday, February 28 at 6:30 p.m. at the Agricultural Research Center – Hays auditorium, 1232 240th Avenue. Drew Ricketts, an Associate Professor and Extension Wildlife Specialist with K-State Research & Extension will give about a ninety-minute program on white-tailed […]
Clay Center Based Company buys 10 radio stations in Western KS

Kyle Bauer announced that his family and affiliated companies have bought 10 radio stations Thursday, February 1 on a bankruptcy auction. The stations were formerly owned by Rocking M and Melia Communications and are licensed to Goodland, Colby, Dodge City, Cimarron, and Liberal, Kansas. The stations were purchased by Kansas Broadcasting Company, LLC which is […]
Phillip Hayes Discusses Fraudulent Unemployment Insurance Claims in Kansas

Tune in today at 2:30 p.m. for On The Front Porch, to hear Kyle Bauer interview Phil Hayes about the unemployment insurance debacle that happened in Kansas, as well as what the fraud ended up costing the Kansas Department of Labor. Hayes is Vice President of The Arnold Group, a human resources company based in […]
Traffic Stop Leads to Arrest in Barton County

On June 1, 2023, just before 2 AM Sheriff’s deputy stopped a vehicle on US 281 near milepost 102, just south of the city of Great Bend for an equipment violation. During the course of the traffic stop deputies became suspicious of potential drug activity. Sheriff’s office K9 Maxx was deployed. The dog alerted to […]
Joshua Meyer Installed as KFDA President

Topeka – Joshua J. Meyer of Concordia, Kansas was recently installed as President of the Kansas Funeral Directors Association (KFDA) at the 2023 KFDA Convention which was held April 30 through May 3, 2023 at the Wichita Marriott in Wichita, Kansas. Funeral directors and embalmers from across Kansas gathered in Wichita to participate in the […]
K-State Students Inducted into Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society

MANHATTAN — The Kansas State University chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, Beta of Kansas, has initiated 41 new members into the society.Phi Beta Kappa is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious academic honor society and has more than 500,000 members. Since its founding at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, in 1776, the society […]
Science Teachers Invited to Participate in K-State’s QuarkNet Physics Education Outreach Program

MANHATTAN — Science teachers in Kansas and surrounding states can enhance their teaching abilities, resources and professional networks through Kansas State University’s free QuarkNet program.The nationwide outreach program, geared mostly toward high school science teachers and students, is offered by the physics department in the College of Arts and Sciences.QuarkNet supports science education by helping teachers develop their […]
K-State College of Business Administration Names Outstanding Senior

MANHATTAN — Mark Estares has been named the College of Business Administration Outstanding Senior at Kansas State University.Estares, from Junction City, is majoring in accounting and finance while concurrently earning his Master of Accountancy. He was selected for the honor by the Dean’s Student Advisory Council in the College of Business Administration.As an undergraduate, Estares commuted from […]