Manhattan, KS — The Kansas Department of Agriculture partnered with the U.S. Livestock Genetics Export, Inc. (USLGE) along with the Idaho, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, and Tennessee departments of agriculture to participate in a trade mission to Mexico on October 25-28, 2022. Participants of the trade mission were Kansas cattlemen Dirck Hoagland of J&N Ranch, Leavenworth, and Daniel Mushrush of Mushrush Red Angus, Strong City. The focus of the mission was to build relationships and expand international marketing opportunities for purebred beef cattle genetics in Mexico.

During the trade mission, the team traveled outside of Chihuahua where they visited Complejo Ganadero Las Palomas and participated in a networking event with the Angus Association. The team also attended the Expo Ganadera Chihuahua where they watched the judging and selection of the champion Charolais, Charbray, and Hereford bulls and females. Additional ranch visits were made to Rancho el Palomino (Hereford and Angus), Rancho Luis Enrique Terrazas (Red Angus), and Rancho Victor Cruz (Quarter Horses).

In 2021, Kansas agriculture exports to Mexico totaled $1.91 billion. Mexico is Kansas’ number one trade partner, accounting for nearly 44% of total agricultural exports. “Mexico is an important trade partner with Kansas, and I think there are some real opportunities to expand that relationship on both sides. I’m looking forward to working with the cattlemen we met in Chihuahua, to see how we can both benefit from this introduction,” said Hoagland.

“In the summer, cattle of Mexican origin are a common sight in Kansas Flint Hills pastures. Many of these cattle originate in Chihuahua, Mexico, so to be able to see the opportunities to improve the cattle all the way through the supply chain, and right back to my backyard was very exciting,” added Mushrush. “I’m looking forward to continued conversations about these opportunities.”

The trade mission to Mexico was possible through KDA’s membership in USLGE, with funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Market Access Program. It is the mission of KDA to support all facets of agriculture, including lending support to those who wish to market and sell beef genetics domestically and internationally. For more information, including upcoming trade mission opportunities, contact KDA international trade director Suzanne Ryan-Numrich at or 785-564-6704.