By Pat Melgares, K-State Research and Extension news service 


Parsons, KS– Outside forces have made managing forage even more important in cattle production, says Kansas State University beef systems specialist Jaymelynn Farney.


High input prices, weather events, encroachment of invasive plant species…they’re all important topics that affect cattle producer’s profits.


Farney said those topics will highlight the annual Beef Cattle and Forage Field Day in Parsons on Aug. 4. The field day will be held at the Southeast Research and Extension Center (25092 Ness Road in Parsons) beginning at 7:30 am with registration.


The rest of the program includes a morning trip to the field to discuss broomsedge control in pasture and other fertility management, and an afternoon discussion about annual forages. Farney said the field day also includes several indoor presentations, which will be recorded and posted online at


Presentations and presenters include:


The field day is free to attend and includes lunch. This year’s field day sponsors include Green Cover Seeds, Mountain View Seeds, Producers Coop, SEK Genetics, South Coffeyville Livestock, WD Ag Insurance and Zoetis.


Those interested in attending are urged to contact Trista Jones no later than Aug. 1 by phone, 620-820-6133, or online at to help organizers with a meal count.