First Friday Workshop Highlights Benefits of Working from Home

“K-State’s community vitality program offers training on best practices for remote work”
Sen. Marshall Asks USDA for Answers on Partnership with United Farmer Workers of America

“U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack requesting answers on the partnership with United Farm Workers (UFW) of America and the implementation of the department’s program”
Attorney General O’Connor Files Charges Against Contractor

“Norman “Buddy” Gomes, 40, who owned BNV Construction, is accused of requesting money up front from victims for home repair projects he never started. Investigators say Gomes would give various excuses as to why work had not begun, eventually stopped all communication with the victims, and refused to return their money.”
KDOT Supporting Applications for ‘Safe Streets and Roads for All’ Grants

“The SS4A program and the new Kansas SS4A Match Pilot Program represent an opportunity to leverage federal and state funding to create safety plans for city streets and county roads.”
Q&A: K-State Beef Cattle Experts Launch Weekly Segment

“Program encourages listener’s questions each Wednesday”
A Tale of Two 4-H Projects

“4-H youth solve problems, gain valuable skills through differing project areas”
K-State Salina-Led Innovation Competition Rewards Drone Enthusiasts for their Innovative Ideas

“The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Public Safety Communications Research Division, along with K-State Salina and Mississippi State University, hosted the First Responder UAS Triple Challenge, a prize competition for drone enthusiasts to build and operate unmanned aircraft that can better help first responders in emergency situations.”
Governor Laura Kelly Announces Increased Funding to Double Impact of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Programs in Kansas

“We know that one of the most important factors for early childhood learning and development is an early introduction to books and being read to at home,” said Governor Laura Kelly. “
Widening and Resurfacing Project to Begin Tuesday on K-244 in Geary County

“Work on K-244 will occur from the K-244/RS270 (Milford Road) junction and proceed east about four miles to the K-57/K-244 junction in Geary County.”
NBAF Representative Visits Clay Center

“Garas goes on and says that more than 70% of the new and emerging infectious disease are humans to zoonotic and that currently there are only four other countries that have the capability to study large live stock, and as of yet, the United States isn’t one of them.”